Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Botox and Wrinkle Reduction

                 Others Uses of Botox

1. Cure migraines :
Patients suffering from migraines and severe tension headaches are now turning to Botox for treatment. Botox injections block brain receptors from registering Migraine pain. Muscles begin to relax, reducing tension. (Jeffrey Raval, 2010)

 2. Cure excessive underarm sweating :
Those with a condition known as hyperhidrosis or excessive perspiration is also finding some relief with Botox. Hyperhidrosis is the result of overactive sweat glands. Botox injection can inhibit nerves in body that control the sweat glands. (Keion Moradi, 2007)

3. Cure overactive bladder :
Symptoms of overactive bladder include urinary frequency, urgency or urge incontinence. Botox toxin paralyzes the nerves that release chemicals that cause the muscle to become stimulated. Without the stimulation, the muscle weakens and reduces the spasticity that patients have. The toxin is delivered through a cytoscope, a small telescope that is inserted through the urethra and into the bladder. This means no incisions have to be made in the skin. ( John Tyler, 2003)

4. Enlarged prostate:
Botox causes the muscles around the prostate relax, alleviating pressure on the urethra. Botox treatment for an enlarged prostate report less pain during urination. (Keion Moradi, 2007)


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