Saturday, August 21, 2010
Posted by Tracy Yan at 10:16 AMTuesday, July 13, 2010
Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 3:02 PM

The presence of high doses of botulinum toxin in food causes food poisoning and could be fatal. They can enter the body easily and interfere with the transmission of nerve impulses, causing disturbances in sensory and also paralysis of the respiratory muscles, leading to suffocation. However, the Botox used for injections is diluted with saline or other liquid. Thus, the dose given is so small that it does not cause significant harmful effect. (eMedicineHealth. 2010.)
(Image Adapted from BotoxTreatment.com)
Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 2:25 PMThere are three types of wrinkles: dynamic wrinkles, static wrinkles, and wrinkle folds with each formed by different factors. The articles will be explaining more on dynamic wrinkles as botox works well in it.
Figure 1: Release of Acetylcholine into synaptic cleft
(Image adopted from Rugged Elegance)

Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 2:21 PM(This is due to the fact that the subunit of BT-A are linked together by only single disulphide bond, the BT-A is therefore unstable and can break down into inactive subunits as a result of minimal mechanical and thermal stresses. )
All the images above adopted from:
Click on the video below to view how botox inhibit muscle contraction.
(Video adopted from youtube.com)
Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:26 AMFigure 1: Picture of patient before and after treatment of Botox
There are also others area injected with Botox. The others commonly area injected with botox are shown in the picture below:
Figure 2: Others commonly injected area
However, the effect of Botox is just temporaly and normally can last for few to several months depending on area of muscle injected and individual patient. The functional recovery is due to the formation of new neural sprouts and this process takes at least 2-3 months in striated muscles but probably takes much longer in smooth muscles. This is because longer clinical effects have been described when injections of Botox are given in a smooth muscle such as the detrusor.(Allergan Incorporation. 2010) The diagram below showing the recovery of muscle contraction.
A)Figure 1: Nerve Sprouting:
1. New nerve endings sprout and connect to the muscle after the original nerve ending is blocked.
2. The ability of the nerve to cause muscle contractions is renew .
Figure 2: Reestablishment of Nerve Connection:
Figure 1&2 adopted from: Allergan Incorporation. 2010. Mechanism of Action
Click on the video below to view how Botox is injected and it's effectiveness. (Adopted from Youtube.com)
Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:14 AM1. Droopy eye lid:
3 Limit emotion experience:
Botox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:05 AMBotox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:03 AMBotox and Wrinkle Reduction
Posted by Tracy Yan at 8:56 AMAllergan Incorporation. 2010. Mechanism of Action. Available from:< http://www.allergan.com/assets/pdf/botox_mechanism_of_action.pdf> [ Accessed on 5th July 2010]
Nadia M.T, Prem.K,Jean L. n.d. A Computational Skin Model: Fold and Wrinkle Formation. Available from:<http://www.miralab.ch/repository/papers/159.pdf>[Accessed on: 15th June 2010]
OxynergyParis. N.d. Collagen Mask. Available from: <http://www.oxynergy.com/export/downloadenglish/oxygenskincare/collagenmasks.pdf>
Monday, July 12, 2010
Posted by Tracy Yan at 10:59 AM有些人,值得我们去尊敬,甚至崇拜,
我们应当接近他们, 并好好学习
我们称之为小人, 应离他远远。
这是其中一位Malaysia International 小姐教的。
不, 你不配做我的朋友,
即使有利益纠纷, 也不至于把我推进县崖。
Advertisement Time ^.^
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:28 AMAnother video created for assignment purpose as well...
Ever try spaghetti with Mango Sauce??
The innovative creation, tata.....
Mango Salsa: Tingling while apetizing!
No preservatives& Chemicals..
Say Cheers...Special thanks to my groupmates,
such a memorable time to develop this new product with u all!!
though so many times trial..
Go Vegan, Go Green!! The born of Annie
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:10 AMSunday, May 30, 2010
One day before test...
Posted by Tracy Yan at 4:05 AMCannot study…listening to songs, music, everything…phone is offline…msn is in “Do not disturb” status…everything is calm & peace for a good study environment…the colour of package of biscuit I’m eating is blue…just like my mood…
Hate myself somehow for giving myself stress mode with just a small small matter. Have i really changed better already? Why izzit I was being so sure and told everyone that I finally did? Too desperate can cause self-misunderstood! It’s very guilty myself get “merajuk” easily after thinking back. Again, I chose to run away, to avoid. I know he’ll get mad at me this time for doing this again, as I promised him I won’t give him silent treatment without letting him know. I really wanna concentrate in studies, don’t want any hassle, not even wanna contact with him for the time being. I’m sorry again The thing is it’s not working. My mind is messed as usual when anything happen between us.
I’m stressed and couldn’t think of what to do again. Sorry~
(p/s: I hope I won’t fail my tests)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Posted by Tracy Yan at 8:40 AMMany people will be passing through our lives, no matter we are happy with them or hate them..we still need to live everyday… have one more friend is better than having one more enemy… sometimes..even a friend whom u know for sometime can bluff u or cheat on u… But.. do not b angry.. forgive them… just stay calm n solve problems rationally… don’t fight… also, don’t keep it in the heart or take revenge..
Do you know what is one cross + three nails = forgiven ? if u don’t..find out then!
well…the world will be more harmony n peaceful
Friday, May 28, 2010
Mad = 5 years-old kid
Posted by Tracy Yan at 7:15 AMJust now i read a really meaningful mail, made me thinking deeply on the meaning, and cant deny this as i thought. “When a person is in a mad/angry mood, his/her EQ is like a 5-year-old kid”. Thinking back the scenario when u are in mad mood, u would realise this statement is true
Thursday, May 27, 2010
28th of May 2010 Thursday
Posted by Tracy Yan at 2:28 PMMIAO~
Monday, May 24, 2010
I'm tired~
Posted by Tracy Yan at 7:46 AMIt's my starting of blue mood again,
Since today is Monday..
Wohh..really tired and bored..
Laziness fill up my mind,
So I looked for an video..
^.^ Finally I found some1 same as me,
Lazy and tired..
I hope I won't fall asleep as her so soon..
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Bored Sunday
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:42 AMFacing computer all day long rushing assignments...
how to add page elements,
how to add videos and audio.
only I realize the effort of those blogger in maintaining their blog...
Saturday, May 22, 2010
UTAR student get Freedom~
Posted by Tracy Yan at 9:51 AMWondering my trip last week,
I get chance to scared by different reptiles at same day,
Like going back to childhood ^-^
They are so cute and nice!!
My First Post~
Posted by Tracy Yan at 12:40 AMAt first,
I thought I don't know what to write here,
for the sake of handle assignment,
but then after 2 days time,
I remind what my friend wrote to me on her blog,
few years time ago~
So, I viewed her blog once again,
Refering the blog,
My tears drop at the same time,
Thanks god for giving me such a valuable friend,
My life was wonderful,
My family and my Best frens,
U all are my precious treasures~